Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Donald Trump is telling the Washington DC establishment to stop processing Muslim fanatic for visas, and the Media went crazy for real.

Thomas Williams

It is appalling that our own media and Washington DC establishment are siding with these Muslim fanatic walking around looking through the slits in their burka causing us the American people a very serious security problem that we the people living in the United States must checkout. Whether the liberal progressive people living in America doesn’t like Donald Trump’s talking our loud in public contrary to the way that Paul Ryan, and Charles Krauthammer, social view point of our World is.

So Donald Trump will help the American people to check out these Muslims fanatic anyway.

Because shooting people seems to bring out the American people common sense. Just take a look at the reaching to Donald Trump common sense plan to check out the Muslim population charging in great numbers to get visa to America, for Islamic Muslim fanatic killers.

The fools running Washington DC wants you and me to feel bad for thinking normal, like yes you can discriminate if the Muslim are trying to kill you. Then we have no other choice but to use our common sense.

I think the liberal minded people want to pervert the American people traditional mindsets, so the other people like perverted Islamic Muslims can go practicing their Muslim weirdos heart’s desire.

So no thank you Mr. liberal American I will still keep using my common sense, whether you like that or not. Because of what has happen now in the San Bernardina shooting - I am going to check out every Muslim that I see from head to toe, until I am satisfied that they are OK.

And now I want to know what is wrong with Washington DC, and media, that they have become socially fanatical too.

Along with Trump’s rhetoric, the stakes for 2016 have risen dramatically

Republican presidential contender Donald Trump said on Dec. 7 that he was in favor of a '"total and complete" shutdown of Muslims entering the United States. (C-SPAN)
By Dan Balz December 8 at 2:26 PM 
Donald Trump continues to go where no recent candidate for president has gone before, plunging the Republican Party — and the nation — into another round in the tumultuous debate about immigration, national identity, terrorism and the limits of tolerance.

Trump’s call for a ban on Muslims entering the United States marked a sudden and sizable escalation — and in this case one that sent shockwaves around the world — in the inflammatory and sometimes demagogic rhetoric of the candidate who continues to lead virtually every national and state poll testing whom Republicans favor for their presidential nomination.

Nothing in modern politics equates with the kind of rhetoric now coming from Candidate Trump. There are no perfect analogies. One must scroll back decades for echoes, however imperfect, of what he is saying, from the populist and racially based appeals of then-Alabama Gov. George Wallace in 1968 and 1972 to the anti-Semitic diatribes of the radio preacher Charles Coughlin during the 1930s.

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----------- LIMBAUGH: 



RUSH: Some days they just tee me up. Some days are just too easy. Question: Has Loretta Lynch arrested Trump yet? Well, isn't that the kind of stuff she said she's gonna start arresting people for? Why hasn't he been arrested? Greetings, my friends. Welcome. Rush Limbaugh, EIB Network. Great to have you here. Telephone number, if you want to be on the program today, 800-282-2882 FREE. E-mail address,

Everybody, everybody -- now Paul Ryan has joined in -- everybody condemning Donald Trump. The conventional wisdom is that Donald Trump's insane, he's a lunatic, crazy. This is dangerous. This is bad. It's un-American. It's unacceptable. He's gotta go.

Except he's leading. A big problem. Even Dingy Harry -- and, by the way, for all of you Republicans getting on this gravy train condemning Trump, I want to show you what good it's doing you. Dingy Harry: "Donald Trump is standing on the platform of hate, and, I'm sorry to say, hate that the Republican Party has built for him."

You Republicans, you can denounce Trump all day, all week, all month, and the Democrat Party and the media are still gonna say you laid the table for it. You can condemn Trump all you want, but it is not going to buy you any love or respect or admiration from the Drive-By Media and the Democrats. Now, folks, the conventional wisdom is that Trump is scum, that Trump is a reprobate, that Trump is dangerous, that Trump is obscene, Trump's insane, Trump's a lunatic, Trump's dangerous, Trump's got to go. Why join in with that phrase? Why join that crowd? We never fall in with conventional wisdom here.

I want to look at this in a little different way, as I'm wont to do, and I want to look at the politics of this. And I want to remind you late last week, middle part of last week and end of late last week, I started what I intended to be a pretty in-depth discussion of how it is that Donald Trump owns the media. I made the point to you last week that that is the one factor that has upset everything else in this presidential campaign, despite what you might think about the Republican Party being the opposition party to the Democrats, the Democrats being the opposition to the Republicans.

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