Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The cat is out the bag in Washington DC.

Thomas Williams

The cat is out of the bag on the Democrat and Republicans Party's, and the American people know it. Donald Trump does not want to be like the Washington DC establishment. And they are scared, furious, and worried that they will all go to jail if Donald Trump is elected President of the United States. So "Conservative" has nothing to do with it Mr. Levin, Sen. Dick Durbin. You can have Hillary, Rubio, Cruz, I like Trump.

December 14, 2015, 08:04 pm

Durbin: Proposal to ban Muslims 'un-American'

By Jordain Carney

Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) took a veiled shot Monday at Donald Trump, calling a push to ban Muslims from entering the United States "un-American."
"A candidate for president of the United States of a major political party has called for the exclusion of Muslims from being allowed to immigrate into the United States," the Senate's No. 2 Democrat said. "That is reprehensible. It is outrageous and it is un-American." 
He added that he was concerned recent rhetoric could negatively impact the relationship between the Muslim-American community and law enforcement and that lawmakers " must condemn bias and bigotry aimed at Muslim-Americans and make it clear that we will not tolerate religious discrimination."
Durbin didn't specifically mention Trump but the GOP presidential frontrunner has gotten widespread pushback after he called for a "total and complete shutdown" of federal processing to allow followers of Islam to enter the country. 
He also praised Republican lawmakers who denounced Trump's comments, including Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) who made headlines late last week by visiting a mosque in his home state. 
"He made outstanding remarks about the regret he felt over some of the political statements that have been made over the last several weeks by political candidates," Durbin said on Monday. "Jeff Flake reminded us across the nation... that America is a nation which values the freedom of religious belief."

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