Tuesday, December 15, 2015

"You no good dirty rats!"

The President in a Ideology bubble
Thomas Williams

Wow! How many times can I count the ways that the people that we elected into the US Government have simply started double crossing us the American people, by conniving to keep asking for higher and higher Taxes. That we the hard working American People struggle to keep paying.
That instead of making Government services better from all the extra Tax dollars for we the American people. That the Washington DC way of running the American peoples Government, has become a terrible social rip off.

That is addicting the poorer population of people living in America and that our Government employees are hurting us instead of helping us. In all the suffocation Government regulation that the Ivy League wise guys use to keep controlling you and I from fixing what mistakes are made in the people US Government.
Now the Washington DC establishment look exactly like what James Cagney told the other mobsters who spilled the beans to the police, in the 1940 Crime Movies. "You no good dirty rats!"


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