Monday, February 29, 2016

Shock Poll: "Hillary could lose New York, to Donald Trump."

Thomas Williams

It looks like that the Washington DC Republican oligarchy has already lost to the American people who doesn't believe a word that they are saying anymore. Donald Trump is not a racist, and that he is asking the American people to vote for him. So that is not a reason for the drive by media to make a racism problem when there is none.

No wonder that the American people are flocking toward supporting Donald Trump over not liking a very misusing media reporting ugly gossip And a Republican oligarchy who are like the people trying to hold onto their Government power breaking the 9th commandment from God?

"Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor"

Hillary could lose to Trump in Democratic New York

 Fredric U. Dicker

Confidential polling data shows Hillary Clinton could lose the presidential election in heavily Democratic New York to Donald Trump as the GOP front-runner’s support grows to the point of being “surprisingly strong,” The Post has learned.

The poll results, from Democratic and Republican legislative races, have surprised many leading Dems, virtually all of whom have endorsed Clinton, while confounding and energizing GOP leaders, many of whom until recently have been opposed to Trump.

“There are some Democrats who think that Hillary can be taken if Trump mounts a strong campaign,’’ one of the state’s most prominent Democrats said.


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