Thursday, June 30, 2016

What people are talking about.

Thomas Williams
I heard a man say that one of the mysteries of life that confound me is in how so many other people act as they do, in a time when we can send space probes to Pluto.

With their backwater vision of God and religion.

There must be some kind of correlation between knowledge and wisdom - because we seem to have a awful lot of people running our US Government Institutions and media, who are very stupid
It is amazing how dumb everyone is getting in America and should otherwise really know better. If any country on this planet should know better it is America.

The home of the brave and free.

But the people running America is now getting tied up in gender identity because of some kind of social moral obligation coming out of a liberal Government social experiment. When that is only someone else personal problems that our Government shouldn't be thinking about.

People make choices in the way they live that has nothing at all to do with morals, and they don't need our sanction to do what they are doing. So what in the world is this US Government doing making other people personal lifestyle choices into law?

Ever since that Lyndon Johnson war on poverty our Government heavy foot has been getting into other people personal problems, creating Government program social services. So our US Government has been going where they don't belong. Why is the American public thinking about other people personal problem that most of the American people don't think about on their own these day? Isn't that the height of rudeness forcing someone else to listen to other people personal problems.

America was not like that 50 years ago. We were polite to each other and always dressed appropriately in public. When dressing normal and cool was fun.

So the social corruption of this country US Government and media now is letting the house of freedom burn down. By saying that everything is still OK and our country's Government is really not ripping us off, when we can see for yourself that the people running this Government and media are a corrupted mess.

That this country's Chamber of Commerce, US Government institutions, media are a part of the Government fix. Belittling you and me with politically correct media talk, usuing over sensitivity's about race, religion, gender talk. and trying to marginalize you for just being ourselves.

So the Chamber of Commerce, US Government, media can keep ripping the America tax payers off with bigger and bigger US Government programs, that should not be created in the first place. I think that they are now calling this latest US Government program rip off open borders, free trade, and global economy. And are courseworse us into believing this liberal cooked up version of social morality. And that we are not acceptable unless we do want they say, right before our eyes.

Justifying the US Government social programs of paying the offspring of the past generation compensation for history slavery, and racial discrimination.

Do you see anyone taking up for the white people who are paying for all of this racial compensation expense, and who are peacefully putting up with all of this ugly social abuse?

No! Because the American aristocracy does not really want to solve these US Government overreach problems, because they are profiting from running our US Government just the way it is.

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