Thursday, November 10, 2016

The American people elected Donald Trump the 45th President of the United States.

Thomas Williams

The Huffington Post said let's put Donald Trump in the entertainment section of our publication. Because Donald Trump is a joke Presidental candidate just like the New York Times said.

Not realizing how the American people who were responding to Donald Trump because he was talking to the American population who makes $60 000 dollars a year in the language that they wanted to hear.

And that the American people were not listening to the media talking about racism, gender, or political power. The way that the News Media and Washington DC establishment were speaking to the American minorities left out the American people making under $60 000 dollars a year.

So it was the American people reacting to this country's media who elected Donald Trump the 45th President of the United States. Because the media did not hang around with people who was making under $60 000 dollars a year.

And those self-same American people started leading each other behind Donald Trump becoming their own best friend with the help of Gods divine grace.
The divine attitude of Jesus Christ has always become friendlier to me through what I have been able to learn and understand more about Jesus. And the closer I get to believing that God is just as real as you and I we can truly start loving everyone and everything in our life, just as natural as feeling the Sunshine.

NBC says Obama has destroyed the Democratic party.

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