Monday, May 22, 2017

God Bless these men and women who love their country with enough personal bravery to fight for our God, wealth, and sacred honor.

Joe Brunner shared Tara Ross's photo.
Tara Ross
7 hrs
*** Medal of Honor Monday! :) ***
On (almost) this day in 1951, Private First Class Joseph Rodriguez makes a fearless charge up a hill. Did he even notice the enemy grenades rolling toward him? Rodriguez would ultimately receive the Medal of Honor for his bravery.
Rodriguez must have had his father’s words echoing in his ears that day. “He raised me up,” Rodriguez later remembered, “saying: Son, you be a man. You be a MAN. And you don’t be afraid to die, if it takes it.”
He concluded with a chuckle: “Of course, dad wasn’t up in the front lines being shot at when he told me that.”
Rodriguez began his Army career in Korea. On May 21, 1951, his company was trying to obtain control of a strategically important peak near the small village of Munye-ri. One platoon had already tried to take the hill, but they’d suffered too many casualties and pulled back.
Rodriguez’s company was sent in to make another attempt.
Unfortunately, the soldiers didn’t make it too far. Rodriguez’s Medal citation describes the “withering barrage of automatic weapons and small-arms fire” that greeted them. The enemy was ensconced in five emplacements. They were firing at our soldiers and rolling grenades down the hill toward the Americans.
“We got pinned down, just like our predecessors,” Rodriguez later described. “We couldn’t go forward, couldn’t go backwards, sideways. We were just pinned down. Really couldn’t see ‘em. All I knew is, it was up on top that the problem was. They had some bunkers, pillboxes. And I knew there were men in there shooting at us.”
Rodriguez wasn’t just going to sit at the bottom of that hill, helpless. He decided to do something about it. “I felt something had to be done,” he concluded. “I didn’t even think about it. I just did it.”
The young soldier ran up the hill, risking his life. He found the first enemy foxhole and threw in grenades. Then he found another and threw in some more grenades. When an automatic weapon was aimed at him, he took that weapon out with a grenade, too. At one point, Rodriguez ran out of grenades, so he ran back for more. Within a matter of minutes, he’d completed his “whirlwind assault,” singlehandedly ensuring that the hill could be secured. The enemy was on the run. Fifteen of them lay dead.
Can you imagine what the other Americans must have thought as they watched their assistant squad leader run up the hill like that? He was a virtual one-man army, plowing a path for everyone else.
Amazingly, Rodriguez was not wounded during his solitary assault that day. He was, however, badly wounded in another incident about a week later. Those injuries would leave him recovering in a Japanese hospital for three months. When he was released, he returned to the States. He got engaged to his sweetheart, and he received the Medal of Honor.
Three very happy events.
Rodriguez later spoke of what the Medal meant to him. “It’s a great responsibility,” he concluded, “because I can be invited to talk to the kids in our country, and I tell ‘em . . . . You don’t realize how lucky we are, so appreciate it. You be proud of your heritage. You’re American. You are America.”
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2 hrs
Don McKinney: God bless

2 hrs
Thomas Williams: God bless these brave men and women who truly know what side of the fence they are fighting for. Thank you for your great example of what pride and honor truly are.

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