Tuesday, July 25, 2017

American need to unite with everyone in a legal way to find a solution to fix illegal immigration.



The glorious progressive secession movement from the United States continues. If Obama were in office, we would be hearing lots of talk about the Confederacy. But since it's a Republican in the White House, treason is patriotic again. Also Massachusetts cops are not allowed to follow Federal law. Obama had already decided that Arizona is not allowed to enforce Federal immigration laws. Now the highest court in MA has decided that police are not allowed to follow Federal law either.
 Massachusetts police do not have the authority to detain illegal immigrants solely to buy time for federal law enforcement officials to take them into custody, the state's top court ruled on Monday.
The decision amounts to a rejection of requests by the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency for courts and law enforcement agencies to hold illegal immigrants, who are facing civil deportation orders, in custody for up to 48 hours after their cases are resolved.
Read more...http://www.frontpagemag.com/point/267370/massachusetts-supreme-court-rules-police-not-daniel-greenfield
Charles Spearman

I just read that Massachusetts Supreme Court has decided that local law enforcement officials CAN NOT hold an illegal immigrant for ICE to pick up unless they have originally been arrested for a felony. WHAT A BUNCH OF USELESS OLD GOATS! This makes me sick.

How is that Massachusetts Supreme Court attitude helping this country's illegal immigration problem? I guess that Massachusetts Court doesn't realize that the Yankees & Rebels united behind President Trump efforts to fix that illegal immigration problem?

Who are still all lost members of the Washington DC establishment elitist autocracy corrupted political world?

That we the American people who are simply American need to unite with everyone in a legal way to find a solution to fix illegal immigration.

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