Sunday, July 23, 2017

He was a traitor to the cause.

Benedict Arnold 

I'm so fed up with these politicians hypocrisy. And their politically correct way of running Washington DC so they can pull the wool over you and my eyes. Knowing all along that they've been stealing us blind, and doing a terrible job for the interests of the American people. John McCain was one of them and a Deep State favorite member. A cheese eating media favorite so who is kidding who?

Was Benedict Arnold any less a traitor to General George Washington and the new American Government (1775-83) because he developed a debilitating disease?
John McCain

"Cancer isn't keeping Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., from sticking to his political guns.
Just hours after news broke of McCain's brain cancer diagnosis, the Arizona senator blasted President Trump amid a report that the administration decided to halt a CIA training programfor moderate Syrian rebels fighting Bashar al-Assad's regime."
"If these reports are true, the administration is playing right into the hands of Vladimir Putin," McCain said in a statement Thursday. "Making any concession to Russia, absent a broader strategy for Syria, is irresponsible and short-sighted."
Reports admin ending prgm to assist Syrian opposition irresponsible, short-sighted& plays into Russia, Assad's hands 
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