Sunday, July 30, 2017

The good, bad, and ugly.


Our life, of course, is a very real experience of feelings that began from the moment that we are born until our last dying breath. So all that political study about our reasoning powers from an unbiased objective point of view can be studied about from that absolute truism. That we are people full of feeling both good and bad.
The Washington DC establishment is so jealous that the American people voted for Trump, that they could just die.

The real ‘genius’ behind President Trump’s election victory.

Saturday, July 29, 2017: President Trump as is his custom from time to time sent out a series of Tweets. Ready, Set, Go!
The Main Stream Media scrambles to hinge more conspiracy theories inside his short quips. Profiteers look for the diamonds in the rough, ready to cut and mount them to the latest click-bait article, for them, it’s all about the click.
Seconds after Trump fires his proverbial word artillery to the masses the retweets and Twitter replies begin. Some claim credit, others say look at me I told you so, and still, others seem pre-programmed to attack Trump anytime he Tweets.
This afternoon was like many others, except this time Trump fired off a cryptic Tweet. What does it mean? The rumor mills start to churn, click bait artists break out their proverbial brushes, and the media quickly forms panels to discuss his ten words in detail.
This time President Trump Tweeted:
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