Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Bad parenting hurts.

‘Sick Sick Sick’ Racist Procter & Gamble Ad Crosses Every Line! If You Are White, Brace Yourself Before Watching
Tinker, The way you are raised is everything, and these people are raising their children all wrong. Wrong has no color and these people doing that commercial is a bunch of people who were no good.
Jack Turnock, I've got a pretty thick skin but I have to say I find this incredibly offensive. The implication here is that white people are racist and you can't trust the cops. I think this is disgusting and I will now go out of my way to not by Proctor and Gamble products.
Like · Reply · 12 · 5 hrs
Tommie Phipps, I don't see one single thing racist about this. I went to school during integration in the South in the 60s-70s. If you haven't walked in their shoes, don't tell them when, how or where it is appropriate to talk about their experiences. I bet Dr. Ben C...See More
Like · Reply · 1 · 6 hrs
Dexter Smith, I'm 66 years old. I don't know what world these asses are talking about. They are stirring trouble to make trouble where there was no trouble! Boycott P & G. They must just want all white people dead before they'll be satisfied.
Like · Reply · 12 · 7 hrs
Homer Balibay, P & G didn't have to get into this political race baiting issues... cheap way to pander on the blacks while alienating and insulting another group of consumers.... right! great idea? NOT! Ceo will get a head ache when people start to call for boycott!

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