Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Jeff Sessions can also look into this country's Health Care Insurance problems.

Jeff Sessions

Sessions lessons

 Opinion writer  
Transparency, thy name is Trump, Donald Trump. No filter, no governor, no editor lies between his impulses and his public actions. He tweets, therefore he is.
Ronald Reagan was so self-contained and impenetrable that his official biographer was practically driven mad trying to figure him out. Donald Trump is penetrable, hourly.
Never more so than during his ongoing war on his own attorney general, Jeff Sessions. Trump has been privately blaming Sessions for the Russia cloud. But rather than calling him in to either work it out or demand his resignation, Trump has engaged in a series of deliberate public humiliations.

Jeff Sessions can also look into this country's Health Care Insurance problems.

What happens to the free market Health care insurance business, that the free market is responsible for?

What is this State control bull talk?

So the Democrats and Republicans are going to pass Healthcare insurance laws that the local and federal US Government control. And still, screw over the American people cost for Healthcare insurance?

Our US Government Heroes!

How can the American people keep listening to these nasty filthy liberal sore losers espousing hatred over TV towards President Trump supporters?

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