Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Washington DC establishment fail-safe corrupted way of keeping the American people from changing what they do no matter who the President is.


The Washington DC establishment members from both side of the aisle in Congress. Don't want to cut taxes, or return health care insurance back to the free market. Or do anything that changes the way our US Government is running. And you know all about it, Laura, because you are also a part of the mainstream media who don't want to really change the Washington DC way of running our country's Government either, do you?

So giving the American people who supported Donald Trump a Wall across the southern border is the least the DC establishment will do, right? So quick, tell us about what NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, and MSNBC are saying on TV Laura because you are so very much a part of them too.
House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) issued a blunt call Tuesday for the Senate to allocate the funding necessary for a down payment on one of President Donald Trump’s signature campaign promises, saying, “It is time for The Wall.” The House…

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