Sunday, March 18, 2018

So thank you very much, President Donald Trump.


The worthless media have no more value to us with all of this outrages news they keep coming out with next.
Thomas Williams

It is truly much better for me to start reflecting on the more normal people who are working in this country's government. Then the steady stream of political perverts who were running the Washington DC establishment for so many years.

Now we have a normal man in President Donald Trump and his supporters to help past the time with, in a much more constructive way for a very nice change for us.

The mainstream media is melting down, and it has become amazing to us how they just can sit there on TV and talk to each other in front of us like we will go on following what they want us to believe. When, of course, they are living in the same political way that they have been behaving in for so long now.

That the Ivy League wise guys political way has been a complete failure to the general public in so many fundamental breakdowns.

This country's society has been badly hurt by them (the Ivy League wise guys) and I am not about to forgive and forget, not for one minute...How they have been acting so condescending to you when you simply wanted to be left alone to live out your normal way of life here in America, no, I will not forget.

Those people were crooks that Donald Trump is firing, and we the people know it. And I hope President Trump goes after each and every one of them. Because he has to now it is either them or us.

Let them squark, and keep hollering at the moon, and let them say that Presiden Trump is the misfits of all misfits. Because Trump must get rid of the Washington DC swamp creatures for us the normal American people.

Because we have seen the fail-safe corruption that the Ivy League wise guys build against the normal American people trying to take back control of the leavers of power in this U. S. Government. And we do not want to go back there again.

The Ivy League wise guys were crooks and they have been crooks for the past 40 years.

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