Monday, January 28, 2019

Kamala Harris wants to squash you and me with the help of the people living in California, New York, and the New England States.

Thomas Williams - Those 20 000 people in California who hate white people like you and me turned out for a political rally for the 2020 Presidental candidate Kamala Harris. That sent chills up my spine realizing just how many ugly minded people are really living in California. The kind of political jerk I avoid most of the time living here in Georgia.

The very same people who like abortion, open borders, sanctuary cities, and the middle-class Americans paying for free medical care, and free college.

20 000 very political corrupted people living in Californians who are voting for political candidates who keep trying to spend our tax dollars for their own self serving reasons.

Sen. Kamala Harris kicked off her presidential campaign with a blowout rally in her hometown Sunday, portraying herself as a fighter with the moral force to take on President Trump and unite a divi…


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