Wednesday, January 30, 2019

The intelligence reports contradict President Trump address to the American people about Isis and North Korea so why is President Trump putting up with that kind of insubordination from the people he chose to run those Government Departments. Was Trump the person who chose these same people to run these U.S. Government Jobs are not?

Donald J. Trump
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“Our economy, right now, is the Gold Standard throughout the World.” @IngrahamAngle  So true, and not even close!
Donald J. Trump
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A low-level staffer that I hardly knew named Cliff Sims wrote yet another boring book based on made up stories and fiction. He pretended to be an insider when in fact he was nothing more than a gofer. He signed a non-disclosure agreement. He is a mess!
Donald J. Trump
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How does Da Nang Dick (Blumenthal) serve on the Senate Judiciary Committee when he defrauded the American people about his so-called War Hero status in Vietnam, only to later admit, with tears pouring down his face, that he was never in Vietnam. An embarrassment to our Country!

“We currently assess that North Korea will seek to retain its WMD capabilities and is unlikely to completely give up its nuclear weapons," Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats said.

Donald J. Trump
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...Time will tell what will happen with North Korea, but at the end of the previous administration, the relationship was horrendous and very bad things were about to happen. Now a whole different story. I look forward to seeing Kim Jong Un shortly. Progress being the -big difference!
Donald J. Trump
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....Fighting continues but the people of Afghanistan want peace in this never-ending war. We will soon see if talks will be successful? North Korea relationship is best it has ever been with the U.S. No testing, getting remains, hostages returned. Decent chance of Denuclearization...
Donald J. Trump
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The Intelligence people seem to be extremely passive and naive when it comes to the dangers of Iran. They are wrong! When I became President Iran was making trouble all over the Middle East, and beyond. Since ending the terrible Iran Nuclear Deal, they are MUCH different, but....

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