Sunday, January 27, 2019

You and me against the politically corrupted Washington DC establishment Cult.

Andrew McCarthy, one of the post 9/11 prosecutorial heroes, has a knack for cutting to the quick of a matter.
Recently, he skewered dimwitted leftists' hysterics and their false narrative around the Covington Catholic young men.
Here he skewers leftists' delusional "Russian Collusion" hoax with his usual scalpel-like precision.


  • Gary Kucsan - They picked on the wrong guy. He now has discovery on his side. They don't want the worst way.

    What is a discovery?

    In short, the prosecutors MUST make all of their evidence known and allow his lawyers to cross-examine any of their witnesses, examine all of their evidence and call their own witnesses to be deposed......which CAN include Bob Mueller.

    They know not what they have done. But, I am happy they did it.

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