Thursday, January 9, 2020

"The moment Iran blew a jetliner out the sky after 'mistaking it for a US bomber': New video shows 'missile' hitting Ukrainian Airlines Boeing 737 before it crashed killing 176 - after Trump and Trudeau both said attack was a 'mistake'"

From Lance Wallnau:
This reminds me of when Russia shot down a passenger jet. I think Trump and Trudeau are right.
To my mind, this was a nervous reflex decision from a control room with a computer display under the authority of a jumpy military supervisor. 
Three thoughts...
1.) When they don’t give you the Black Box it’s cause they DON’T want you to know what happened.
2.) This is EXACTLY why nuclear weapons must never be in Iranian hands. It may have been an accident that our drone was shot down.
3.) If point #2 is correct, there are yet 100’s of opportunities for mistakes like this to trigger a U.S. response. And those miscalculations can come from any of the rogue proxy militia groups working for Iran but functioning without Soleimani as their collective brain.
The wise intercessor is on Red Alert for the next 3-4 weeks.

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