Monday, January 6, 2020

This Snob fool Bloomberg thinks that we the people are going to stop being self-reliant and become dependent on him to take care of us instead, please, get the hell out of here you dumb clown.

  • so he is saying that guns are only for the royalty???????

    • Image may contain: 2 people, text
    • Danny HunterIs he saying the constitution is just for certain people? If so, does anyone want this person as President??
    • Michael Brunner The PEOPLE are Royalty in this country...Bloombutt you are nothing more than a Servant
    • Steven J Cicotte - Yes, he is
    • Thomas Williams - This Snob fool Bloomberg thinks that we the people are going to stop being self-reliant and become dependent on him to take care of us instead, please, get the hell out of here you dumb clown.

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