Saturday, January 4, 2020

Yes! Why does Rose want to be dependent on Iran's Ayatollah for her social freedoms and whatever happened to her own sense of self-sufficiency?

She is a fucking idiot. When did she get appointed to be the voice of America or women or any of her self imposed activist proclivities? It amazes me how many political experts and war experts are out there right now. Who knew there were so many people well versed in such things? Me? I know nothing of it and won’t pretend to, but I do know that killing a powerful terrorist should be a good thing.  
4 of 10
  • Sandy Wolsefer My point is she’s a freaking actress. She isn’t an expert or an authority in any capacity. To say she speaks for 52% and Insinuate we are being held against our will is insane. To ask a country to forgive us and not kill us is Insane. Why the hell would Iran listen to her? She’s delusional thinking she has some sort of sway or voice to speak for a nation. She should run for local office if she’s so impassioned. She’s an attention whore.
    • Sandy Wolsefer Sam Dancer I know. I think I have a problem expressing myself. Maybe you can teach me how to not be so shy. 😜
  • Jeff ThomasShe should move to Iran that way she will have to cover her face and loose her free speech that way we don’t have to see her face or hear her again
  • Sam Dancer Cheers to everyone on this thread!
    Image may contain: one or more people, people sitting, meme, drink and text
  • Thomas Williams Why does Rose want to be dependent on Iran's Ayatollah for her social freedoms and whatever happened to her own sense of self-sufficiency?

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