Sunday, April 19, 2020

How you are still being played for political suckers by the Washington DC political establishment who will never change what they are doing unless you change who you vote for, so how do you keep believing what the same complicit media members keep writing?

Joe Biden
China wants Sleepy Joe sooo badly. They want all of those billions of dollars that they have been paying to the U.S. back, and much more. Joe is an easy mark, their DREAM CANDIDATE!
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@BryanDeanWright · Apr 16
That means next Nov is the most important election of our lives. America loses if Biden wins. Joe is compromised by his continued denials of the threat China poses, plus his own family's corrupt ties to Beijing (eg - Hunter's receipt of $1.5B in 2013).
Thomas Williams - I think that the selection of Joe Biden to be the Democratic Partys 2020 Presidental candidate speaks volumes about this country's Democratic Party and media who hate Trump and also keeps thinking that the rest of the American people are some kind of incidental group of people being taken for granted every which way but loose. How you are always being played by the liberal political power structure TV show for appearance sake running the US Government the way the incumbent Senate and Congressman want and who are brushing off their promises to you before the election because they have you by the balls living in a two-party system of their creation that you don't have a choice casting your votes. How they keep hiding behind the Ivy League fail-safe legal-speak Government abuse feeding the puppetmasters daily flow of wealth and power at your expense. 

How you are still being played for political suckers by the Washington DC political establishment who will never change what they are doing unless you change who you vote for.

Joe Biden is just another long line of Presidental choices who will keep the scam TV Show going that you are powerless to change in the reality of how the three branches of the US Government is run by the Deep State cabal member doing that to you now.  

How President Donald Trump is not one of them and is hated for that reason.  So the selection of Joe Biden by the Washington DC establishment members speaks volumes of perpetual government corruption that is still very clear to me.
So how do you keep believing what the same complicit media members keep writing?



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