Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Don't leave your hometown but stand and fight back against these left-wing political carpetbaggers trying to drive you out, real Democrats.

Bob Schatan

1,000's selling homes in a panic:

Blue state riot cities:

Glenn Beck callers:


Gayla Hawkins Weldon My Oklahoma realtor says all the agents in her office are slammed.


Dawn Walker - Who's buying?


Bud Jameson - But will it be enough to scare them out of voting for Democrats? #BLEXIT #WalkAway

The LAST thing we need is for them to bring their mental illness with them to any politically healthy "red" state. Perhaps we need to establish some intelligence tests for immigration to a "red" state!


Lita Durr - Not surprising. Yes, don’t bring your liberal voting and pathological political ideas with you to red states.


Thomas Williams - Playing into the progressive degenerate leaders' hands by driving you out with fear. Stay right where you are and fight back. Fight, fight, fight. Every other word out of Nancy Pelosi's voice is a calculated Insidious political ploy using you for what she wants. So be yourself real Democrat, and fight back against these left-wing destructive morons. There was nothing wrong with being a Democrat before the left-wing shameless degenerate took over, so make a stand and don't let them take over your party's politics, simply get rid of them.



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