Jason Hedke wrote:
I've been a Tom Hanks fan for a long time. I've enjoyed almost everything he has done, and his efforts for WWII vets and museums has been extraordinary. However, I am beginning to have my doubts about the man.
Based on what is known, his connections to the Epstein pedophilia cult are becoming alarmingly convincing. When the story first broke, he and his wife supposedly came down with the virus and quarantined in Australia, although there is speculation that he was actually under house arrest there. Now, only a few weeks after one of Epstein's major child traffickers is sitting in a jail cell waiting to spill the beans before she is suicided, Hanks and his wife announce they and their children are now citizens of Greece, thanks to slim family connections and "helping out" after a wildfire near Athens that occurred 2 years ago.
I find these happenstances highly suspicious. Innocent until proven guilty, of course. But the mounting evidence to his detriment is now too much to ignore.
If Hanks is guilty, then EVERYTHING he has done, no matter for what cause, is permanently and irrevocably heavily tarnished, and he will join the long list of Hollyweird actors I will never watch again.
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