Sunday, July 10, 2022

Why did the American people let America's politics get like this?

July 10, 2022

 Thomas Williams - Facebook

It is the innocent Americans around us, the brave trying to be good working with us. It is the nice attractive woman living up to her womanly responsibility. These same people are attacked by criminals stealing, cheating, conniving, and harming the virtues in your history. The people now running this country's government and media in power are after you.

Yes, a routine of the Republican Rhinos is, when push comes to shove stab the conservative voters in the back?

Do you realize the Republican house put Paul Ryan into the speaker's chair, and now Kevan McCarthy as Trump was elected by you and me? And how both are Rhinos Republicans. And in the US Senate, Mitch McConnell? Because they are lying to you, and they keep lying to you, over, and over again, Republican Contributors? So You must stop these people playing you for a political fool?

Mitch McConnell was also quiet and downright helpful at the beginning of the Russia-Trump coalition investigation in Washington DC? And as we all found out, the Rhino Republicans wanted to get rid of Trump just as bad as a Democrat, didn't they?

And I Received the shot and boost. Wonderful, that's just great, so thanks to a lot of expert scientists who are not political? You might have permanently hurt my future for no good reason knowing it doesn't work. "It's a great life" if we can hold on to it around people like you, the US government? This country's political reality is that both Democrats and Republican members are very shady people doing bad things to this country. Who keeps accusing everyone else of what they are when it is them that is wrong. How do you like the American border patrol helping the steady illegal invasion of America? Would you like to apply for a job as a US border patrol officer to help the Mexican drug cartel with the illegal trafficking of women, children, and drugs into America?

Let me make a suggestion to black American citizens having so much violence in their neighborhood.

Heal thy self. What in the world's wrong with you letting that kind of mine set go on attacking innocent people around you. Are you really that bad off that you can't take care of your own civil obligations to one another? Fast to use violence to attack strangers walking through your neighborhood? Are you out of your mind?

Fox News has deteriorated to the low level of CNN and MSNBC. What's with these people?

You have-been inflicted by contrary, arrogant, egotistical media people looking down on you and pushing you around.

Wow! How could you do this America? Joe Biden! Good heavens!!! 

Jim Parshall, JJ Levine - Facebook

 Jim Parshall - Facebook

Well, put simply, NOTHING is above The Party and their agenda. Worse in some ways, The Party also does NOT believe in nations at all. Tyrannies are not interested in nation-states other than to destroy and then remake them and Biden is a member of The Party AND also a Tyrannist because they are the core party above Democrats->The Party.

Joe Biden and his administration's goals are to harm the USA as much as possible. To undermine and destroy as much of its foundations as possible. To harm the population of the USA as much as they can get away with without getting our pathetic faction up in arms.

And, sadly, while our faction fights this war like a high school debate club meet-up or perhaps at worst two kids fighting over a see-saw on a playground... Democrats and their allies are fighting this as a Socialist Revolution and are winning nearly every battle because of it...

Biden (and his handlers) are prosecuting this as a full Socialist Revolution and war... Democrat leaders and other Tyrannists are doing this as well. They are not stupid. They are not fools. They are fighting a war.


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