Wednesday, April 24, 2024

They cannot even be honest much less fix what they broke.

 Thomas Williams

You were born into a two-party system of government, living off of debt because the people keep trying to elect honest people to run the American Republic. Your founding fathers created to create a small, unintrusive government taking care of the military and three institutions of equal branches for the new people that govern the president and Congress to have a difficult time turning the power of government into a weapon against the people using the fear of absolute power and terror controlling the population keeping the elites in power. For over 240 years, the people kept electing citizens like them right after the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence were in place as the laws of the land to live by, and honesty became too much for them. The professional liars started covering up the Washington DC establishment's politically corrupt way of running the U.S. government into what we have now. 

A uni party hiding in the same two-party system living off the government debt, refinancing spending money to print more money, building up more debt as far as the eye can see. Is it any wonder why the American people are becoming so abused that they can hardly afford the food they eat, keeping the governing 19% in power to go on abusing the country's rules, traditions, and culture into a double-standard system as the working people get the wrong end of the stick every day screwed out of their natural minds trying to get ahead in peace and left along by so many government regulations under penalty of politically corrupted law?


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