Wednesday, May 1, 2024

"And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Is anything worth more than your soul?"

Thomas Williams - Facebook

The Democratic Judge in the New York court, over the Trump trial should be in jail. He is a thug, a hoodlum. He is a crooked Judge. A business record case should never have been brought into this criminal court. This Judge is corrupted.

I'm out of words. I'm so livid over Mike Johnson letting the Joe Biden Administration have that 95 billion Foreign aid bill. billion to Gaza, so Joe Biden could fly millions of Palestinians who are by nature terrorists, into this country, to hurt my boys, my children, my family, and my friends, I am beside myself over Mike Johnson going along with that. Egypt will not take Palestinian refugees from Gaza because they are all terrorists, ladies and gentlemen.

There's no desert in New York City. Why are the uni-party University anti-Jewish Students covering up their heads like that? The Hamas terrorists live in a desert in the Middle East. What's wrong with these people here in America? These College university students are so brainwashed, that they think they are in a desert like the Arabian population. The poor raised and educated American people's children are crackers.

New York City is very corrupt again. The uni-party has the Judges in their back pocket. Joe Biden is trying to give Harvard and Colombian universities to Iran for the money.

Ep. 99 Aleksandr Dugin is the most famous political philosopher in Russia. His ideas are considered so dangerous, that the Ukrainian government murdered his daughter and Amazon won’t sell his books. We talked to him in Moscow.


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