Saturday, January 4, 2014

Just tell them the way is it, and don't lie about it.


When we start spinning what we see to each other over what is going on around us we take away the dignify of the other persons freedom to chose for themselves. Because the only real way that is necessary to stay a good neighbor to other people, is for us to be responsible enough to tell each other the way it is. To repeat exactly what happened in the way it happen to the best of our ability, nothing more, or less.

Otherwise we get this messy society thing that you and I are living in right now. Bull talking prattle from our neighbors that start lying to us about everything. Then everyone becomes afraid to tell each other the plain truth, and that is not my idea of the pursuit of happiness. What is the better way to be with each other. Not telling all that you saw, holding back some of the truth as it happened. Or to simply tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

The answer of course is to tell the truth as best you know it to be. Because becoming so politically correct that we begin to lie to each other, is simply wrong, and dumb. Denying the person who you are talking to the dignity of making up their own mind with the true information that you just told them. It is mean, and harmful not to give them all the information you did see or learn about to them.

So I would truly be glad if people could simply stop treating each other bad like that, with a over abundance amount of political correct spin. And instead just be as honest as you can about what you know about what you witnessed.



Beltway Confidential

MSNBC's Chris Hayes complains of Drudge-fueled 'snow-trolling' on global warming

Photo - MSNBC's Chris Hayes is tired of conservatives snarking about global warming every time it gets cold.

During his show Thursday evening, Hayes complained of the "strange bizarre underworld of climate trolls" that came to life when Matt Drudge ironically linked an article on the Drudge Report about cold weather.

"Of course, no one ever said that climate change meant it wouldn't ever be cold," Hayes said defensively, calling the annual tradition "willful stupidity" of conservatives "who delight being on the wrong side of history."

Hayes admitted, however, that Drudge had been successful in creating a culture of global warming skepticism.

"I mean, Drudge has been incredibly powerful, I think, in this," Hayes said. "Drudge has a thing about climate hoaxism and he has been leading the charge."
Hayes mused that conservative media outlets like Fox News and pundits like Rush Limbaugh actually enjoyed making fun of global warming believers, which made it harder for liberal news outlets to cover the issue in a responsible way.

"It is sexier and more fun to mock and to say, 'Oh, look at this!' than to be like, 'We are so screwed, America!' " he said. "I don't want to start the show that way."

Hayes also expressed frustration at conservatives for mocking global warming scientists after their ship froze in the ice in Antarctica.

"The right wing had a field day, pointing and laughing at the global warming believers, who just to be clear, are only a group of scientists risking their lives for no monetary gain and little glory in order to help save the planet," he said defensively.

Krauthammer: Obama Ended The War In Iraq In A Way That "Liquidated" Our Gains


CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: Here is why the history is crucial. The reason that al-Maliki does not listen to Obama -- no matter what he says about reconciling with the Sunnis -- is because America has no leverage. America evacuated. Obama decided we were going to liquidate our presence. We were supposed to negotiate a Status of Forces Agreement and to leave a residual element in Iraq that would train the air force, that would train the army, that would also have special forces on the ground that would go on operations, and that perhaps most important, would mediate between the Sunnis and the Shiites and the Kurds as it had been doing during the surge.

Instead, Obama decided for political reasons that he would evacuate and call it a great victory. He ended the war, but he ended the war in a way that liquidated our gains. The war was won when Obama came into office; al Qaeda was completely decimated. The Anbar Sunnis, who are now under attack, had had turned against al Qaeda, joined the infidel -- us -- in defeating al Qaeda. And al-Maliki had taken all the extremists Shiites in Basra and all the way up into Baghdad as a demonstration of how he is a nationalist and not just a sectarian. All of this happening, what we needed was an agreement and a presence. Obama liquidated it and as a result he has created a vacuum in which Iran has come in, al Qaeda is strong. Not only now in Iraq, but also in Syria and it is a catastrophe.

January 3, 2014

Obama's Job Approval Declined Steadily Throughout 2013

Budget battles, NSA revelations, and healthcare law rollout all contributed

by Lydia Saad
PRINCETON, NJ -- President Barack Obama wrapped up 2013 with an average 41% approval rating in December, unchanged from November. However, his monthly job approval declined steadily through most of 2013, including a three-percentage-point drop in March.

President Barack Obama's Job Approval Rating in 2013
Gallup's three-day rolling averages of Obama's job approval rating are especially helpful in identifying the events that likely contributed to his overall decline in popularity.

OBAMACARE: Doctor's Office Spends 2 Hours On Hold With Insurer For Surgery Authorization, Before Giving Up...
Frustrated patients walk out of hospitals without treatment...


NSA Racing To Build Freakishly Powerful Computer


Spying Run Amok

By Maureen Dowd

So why did he have to go?

The poor guy was put at the end of a rope because the writers of “Homeland” were at the end of their rope.

They had conjured a hypnotic character who was both hero and villain, patriot and traitor. Brody was still on the run, but his creators had run out of ways to reconcile their curdled Marine’s poles without making the plots too implausible.

In the finale, during a scene set at a C.I.A. safe house in Iran, Brody fretted to Carrie that maybe he was, as a doctor in Caracas had said, “a cockroach. Unkillable, bringing misery wherever I go.”
The talented Damian Lewis told The Times’s Dave Itzkoff, “They ended up creating such a compelling, unpredictable, sad and ambiguous character who was capable of so much damage — he was able to affect story on such a grand scale. They created a monster that they couldn’t quite control.” He added, “The thought of having to continue to write him was too hard, perhaps,” noting: “Brody’s a very unbalancing force.”

It’s so easy to wipe the slate clean on TV. In real life, Americans must keep struggling to fathom the compelling, unpredictable, sad, ambiguous, unbalancing force, the young man on the run who sought to cause damage on a grand scale, and who has sparked a national debate about whether he’s hero or villain, patriot or traitor.

After a federal judge here said in a ruling on Monday that the N.S.A.’s collection of phone data on all Americans was “almost Orwellian,” an assault on privacy that would leave James Madison “aghast,” a civil liberties group that had plastered a D.C. bus with the words “Thank you, Edward Snowden!” said it saw a “significant increase” in donations to expand the campaign.

Whatever we think of Snowden — self-aggrandizing creep or self-sacrificing crusader against creepy government spying or sociopath with stolen documents, as The Wall Street Journal put it, or someone who should “swing from a tall oak tree,” as John Bolton told Fox News — it is absolutely clear that the N.S.A. went wild with technology that allowed it to go wild. These technological toys turn everyone into thieves.

It is clear that the balance of national security versus civil liberties is way off kilter. President Obama said he welcomed a debate on the morality of his Big Brother eavesdropping program, but he never really wanted it. He irritated some of the tech C.E.O.’s who came for a meeting at the White House Tuesday by yanking the conversation from the overzealous N.S.A. surveillance that creates suspicion of their complicity to the underwhelming rollout of Obamacare.

Bloomberg News reported that Yahoo’s Marissa Mayer cautioned the president that backlash over U.S. spying could Balkanize the Internet, as countries put in place different standards to stymie surveillance. It took a passionate 64-year-old judge who likes exclamation points to finally holler “Hold it!”

“It’s a wake-up call,” said Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon, a leading critic of the N.S.A.’s indiscriminate scooping up of data. “Piece after piece, the government’s case has fallen apart.” (The old joke of No Such Agency might become No Stopping That Agency.)


Glenn Greenwald Goes Off on Washington Post Columnist, ‘Horrible’ D.C. Media During Tense Exchange Watch
Glenn Greenwald Goes Off on Washington Post Columnist, ‘Horrible’ D.C. Media During Tense Exchange

“I think Ruth Marcus’ argument exemplifies everything that’s really horrible about the D.C. media.”
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Here Are the Rights You Have When Interacting With a Police Officer in One Detailed Infographic
Here Are the Rights You Have When Interacting With a Police Officer in One Detailed Infographic

How well do you know your rights?

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What A Finish

Back-to-back interceptions ended an entertaining, up-and-down roller coaster Orange Bowl in favor of Clemson. Orange Bowl chat wrap »
Steve Mitchell/USA TODAY Sports

Horns offer Charlie Strong job

Updated: January 4, 2014, 12:24 AM ET news services
Sources: Strong Would Accept Texas Job If Offered
Brett McMurphy on the report that Charlie Strong would accept the Texas head coaching position if it was offered to him.Tags: College Football, Texas Longhorns, Charlie Strong
Texas has offered its head coaching job to Louisville coach Charlie Strong, and he is expected to accept, a person familiar with the search told the Associated Press on Friday night. reported Strong had agreed in principle to a five-year deal worth $5 million annually.

Strong is in his fourth year at Louisville and coming off his second straight double-digit victory season. He took over a program coming off three straight non-winning seasons and has gone 37-15.

The 53-year-old was a longtime defensive coordinator in the Southeastern Conference before getting a chance to be head coach. He took Louisville to the BCS last season and finished 12-1 this year.
Horns247 reported earlier Friday that Strong would be Texas' next coach.

Texas is looking to replace Mack Brown, whose era with the Longhorns ended with Monday's 30-7 loss to Oregon in the Valero Alamo Bowl.

Information from The Associated Press was used in this report.


Thomas Williams - Top Commenter ·
Why does the Texas Longhorn chain of command think that Charlie Strong will be a better college head football coach than Mack Brown?

Check Out Woman Go Berserk, Leap Over Bleachers to Pummel and Kick Enemy Football Fan — and This Was No Female-Only Fracas Watch
Check Out Woman Go Berserk, Leap Over Bleachers to Pummel and Kick Enemy Football Fan — and This Was No Female-Only Fracas

The aggressor in the Sugar Bowl stands was a stylish-looking woman decked out in tall brown boots, jeans with some sparkles, and even a smart red scarf.
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After 4 seasons with 10 or more wins, No. 14 LSU prepares for significant changes on offense

By Britt Martel  AP Sports Writer


LSU head coach Les Miles, left, congratulates MVP Jeremy Hill (33) after LSU defeated Iowa 21-14 during the Outback Bowl NCAA college football game Wednesday, Jan. 1, 2014, in Tampa, Fla. (AP Photo/Chris O'Meara)

LSU head coach Les Miles holds the trophy after winning the Outback Bowl NCAA college football game against Iowa Wednesday, Jan. 1, 2014, in Tampa, Fla. (AP Photo/Chris O'Meara)
Now that Les Miles has made LSU history, again, the coach will have to get to work on a 2014 roster that is full of uncertainty.

The biggest changes will come on offense.

The Tigers already knew they'd be losing senior Zach Mettenberger, who put together one of the best seasons an LSU quarterback has ever had. His two best receivers — juniors Odell Beckham Jr. and Jarvis Landry — are eligible to turn pro, as is sophomore running back Jeremy Hill, the star of LSU's 21-14 Outback Bowl triumph over Iowa on New Year's Day.

Because of Mettenberger's knee injury in the regular-season finale, No. 14 LSU got its first taste of life without him in Wednesday's bowl game. Freshman Anthony Jennings, who came on to throw a winning touchdown pass against Arkansas back in November, got his first start against Iowa.

His debut as a starter was not as promising as LSU would have hoped — 7 of 19 for 82 yards and an interception — but he also ran for a score and was good enough to win.

"It's his first start and he was tight as heck. It's his first interception of note. He came to the sideline just sick," Miles said. "There are some lessons that he learned that will benefit him as he looks forward."

Beckham, who made an extraordinary one-handed catch on the sideline on one overthrown pass, said he was nonetheless encouraged by Jennings' debut.

"With Anthony you have a young quarterback and sometimes you get in these games and things aren't what they seem," Beckham said. "I feel like it's a great learning experience for him. ... Iowa is a good team. You can't keep anything away from them. We cut the playbook down a little bit so Anthony could make all the right decisions and make the plays and I thought he did a great job of managing the clock and getting the offense going."

Next season, he may need to do much more.

The combined production of Mettenberger, Beckham, Landry and Hill in 2013 were a major factor in the Tigers (10-3) reaching at least 10 victories for a fourth straight season, something LSU had never done before.

Mettenberger passed for 3,082 yards, the third highest single-season total for an LSU QB, and three 22 touchdown passes. Landry had 1,193 yards receiving and 10 TDs, while Beckham had 1,152 yards and eight TDs.

Hill rushed for 1,401 yards and 16 TDs, including 216 yards and 2 TDs in the bowl victory.

The season represented a significant triumph for Hill, who found himself suspended and in danger of jail time after being caught on video punching another LSU student outside a bar last spring. That crime occurred while he was already on probation for an earlier crime against a girl with whom he went to high school.

After pleading guilty to reduced charges and receiving more restrictive probation from a state judge, he rejoined the LSU for fall camp and went on to distinguish himself as one of the best running backs in the nation and bona fide pro prospect.

Hill has not yet announced whether he'll turn pro, but said the support he received from teammates and coaches played a big part in his success.

"I got a chance to step up and talk to the guys and just really thank them for everything, just supporting me through everything that I've been through and just having my back through everything," Hill said. "That's just the bond of our football team. No matter what, we're going to stand up and support our guys."

As of Thursday night, only junior defensive tackle Anthony Johnson had announced his intention to turn pro.

Beckham and Landry declined to discuss whether they'll return, but expected to announce their decisions soon.

Other players who are eligible to leave, and widely projected to be drafted if they do, include defensive tackle Ego Ferguson and left tackle La'el Collins.

LSU has high hopes for its incoming recruiting class. The Tigers have already received a commitment from Shreveport quarterback Brandon Harris, and received two more significant verbal, non-binding commitments on Thursday evening. At the Under Armour All-America game featuring the nation's top high school players, Leonard Fournette, widely regarded as the top running back recruit in the nation, committed to LSU, as did Jamal Adams, a safety from Lewisville, Texas.

However, three other top prospects LSU hoped to lure — athlete Devante "Speedy" Noil and defensive end Gerald Willis III of New Orleans, as well as defensive back Tony Brown of Beaumont, Texas — said they were headed elsewhere. Noil chose Texas A&M, Willis chose Florida and Brown chose Alabama.

LSU Football - Geaux Tigers!!!
Friday, January 3, 2014
Associated Press LSU braces for major changes on offense in 2014
The Advocate Notes: Anthony Johnson taking talent to NFL
ESPN LSU missed on a few key targets, but the nation's top player might make up for it
Geaux 247 Fournette's representing the Boot
Times Picayune Analysis: Leonard Fournette, Jamal Adams should make immediate impacts at LSU
The Advocate Notes: QB signee Harris sees ‘bright future’ in offense
The Advocate LSU surprised by Jamal Adams’ commitment
LSU Reveille Fournette addition saves dismal day for LSU recruiting class
ESPN 104.5 .mp3 Audio (15 min, 20 sec): Andrew Lopez on LSU recruiting news
Birmingham News Q&A with ESPN exec Burke Magnus on CFB Playoff, SEC Network and more
USA Today Out of tragedy, Auburn FB Jay Prosch realizes dream
Gainesville Sun Unbelievable bowl experience with Mike Slive
Associated Press Trevor Knight throws for 4 TDs as Sooners upend Bama in Sugar Bowl
Associated Press 2013 produces big numbers, not much defense


Fournette picks LSU to put a bright spot on rough recruiting day
1/2/2014 7:25:10 PM

Tiger Rag Associate Editor

St. Petersburg, Fla. -- LSU started the day hoping to land five highly-touted five-star recruits at the Under Armour All-American Game and ended the day far short of that goal.
But LSU still got its man.

While the Tigers didn’t go five-for-five, they did land St. Augustine running back Leonard Fournette, the nation’s No. 1 overall recruit, to dull the pain along with five-star Texas safety Jamal Adams.
Fournette was the big fish in the class. He was the last of the five to commit on national television, following Adams, Texas cornerback Tony Brown and Edna Karr High School standouts Gerald Willis and Speedy Noil.

The consensus five-star talent ran for more than 5,000 yards and 63 touchdowns in his high school career, including 31 rushing touchdowns in his junior year. At 6-foot-1, 225 pounds, Fournette fits the mold of big, physical LSU backs who have speed to burn.

Shortly before Fournette made his announcement, there was a palpable nervous feeling in the air around the mobile ESPN studio located roughly 30 yards from the field. Because up until that point, the day had gone about as bad as it possibly could have.

Three of the previous four recruits had chosen someone other than LSU, even though most were considered leans toward the Tigers.

When he pulled an LSU hat out of his bag instead of Alabama or Texas hats, Fournette sweetened what had been a mostly sour day for the Tigers.

Noil started LSU’s disappointing day by committing to Texas A&M during the first quarter. Noil is rated by most scouting services as the nation’s No. 1 athlete and is expected to play wide receiver with the Aggies.

After Adams selected LSU, Noil’s high school teammate Willis pulled a big shocker by selecting Florida over LSU. Willis, who is Alabama safety Landon Collins younger brother, said he listened to his brother’s words when making his decision.

Collins famously spurned LSU at the 2011 Under Armour All American game, much to the chagrin of his mother April Justin.

Justin was in attendance for Willis’ announcement as well, and she again voiced her displeasure with her son’s choice.

The Tigers then got their third punch in the gut when Brown selected Alabama rather than LSU, where his sister Bealoved runs track. Brown had been considered a near-lock to go to LSU before the game started, when rumors of his choice being Alabama started to surface. Noil scored a touchdown almost immediately after Brown’s verbal pledge, signaling the start of the sky falling around the state of Louisiana.

It wasn’t the great day LSU was expecting, but with two five-star recruits in the bag it was not a total wash. And the LSU commits that played in the game fared pretty well, too.

Fournette rebounded from a first-quarter fumble to take a fourth quarter pass 36 yards to the house for a touchdown. LSU tight end commit Jacory Washington started the scoring with a 23-yard touchdown catch in the first quarter, and quarterback commit Brandon Harris fired the aforementioned touchdown to Noil, a 64-yarder.

Harris finished 4-for-5 for 115 yards. Fournette led his team with 43 rushing yards on nine carries, and his 89 offensive yards were the second highest total for all players behind Noil.
Posted by: Luke Johnson | Submit comment | Tell a friend


Thomas H Williams - Top Commenter

A leader is Born;
I really love the loyal spirit that I see in Leonard Fournette. Who showed great delight with carrying his football talents into the big time college sports by telling the world that he will raised his Louisiana heritage mantel very proudly by running into LSU tiger stadium. Playing his collage football for the home team. That was very inspiring to me, a nice touch of true leadership.

Three takeaways from Outback Bowl

January, 2, 2014
By David Ching |
TAMPA, Fla. -- Aside from notching a 10th win for four consecutive seasons, LSU's 21-14 win over Iowa in Wednesday's Outback Bowl didn't mean a great deal. However, it gave us a glimpse into the future -- one that will become a bit clearer over the next few days.

Let's examine three takeaways from the Tigers' bowl win and what the coming week might hold for the LSU program.

Next few days are huge: This is shaping up as a roller coaster couple of days for LSU's 2014 roster. It starts today with the Under Armour All-America Game, where the Tigers could wind up as the day's biggest winner. ESPN will air the all-star game at 4 p.m. ET, and LSU targets Leonard Fournette, Speedy Noil and Gerald Willis will announce their college decisions.

The biggest prize is tailback Fournette, whom ESPN rates as the nation's No. 1 overall prospect. LSU commits Garrett Brumfield, Brandon Harris and Jacory Washington are also competing in the game. The Tigers could make a huge jump from their current No. 12 spot in the ESPN's class rankings with a big day today.

Landing some combination of the elite prospects in today's all-star game will help absorb the roster hit that is almost certainly coming. Nobody officially announced a decision after Wednesday's game, but it seems likely that the Tigers will lose a number of underclassmen to the NFL draft. Receivers Jarvis Landry and Odell Beckham, tailback Jeremy Hill, offensive tackle La'El Collins and defensive linemen Anthony Johnson and Ego Ferguson are all names to watch -- and their decisions should come shortly.

Defense made strides: This was a maddeningly inconsistent season for an LSU program that prides itself on stifling defense. But Wednesday's finale provided glimpses of what this group can be. Iowa totaled just 233 yards, went 6-for-19 on third down (1-for-9 in the first half) and twice tossed interceptions inside the LSU 10-yard line.

There were only two seniors among LSU's bowl starters -- linebacker Lamin Barrow and safety Craig Loston -- and we'll see what Johnson and Ferguson decide to do, but this defense will return the bulk of its two-deep, regardless. For a group that will finish the season ranked in the nation's top 20 in total defense (they were 21st entering the bowl game and end it by surrendering an average of 340.7 ypg), that seems like a sign that 2014 will be a big year for the defense.

Jennings has work to do: After his remarkable performance in leading LSU to a comeback win against Arkansas when Zach Mettenberger went down with an injury, expectations were high for first-time starting quarterback Anthony Jennings on Wednesday. Jennings played like a freshman against Iowa, though.

On an unusually cold, nasty day in Tampa, offensive coordinator Cam Cameron initially took the game out of Jennings' hands, calling 12 straight running plays to open the game. The freshman was mostly shaky once he started putting the ball in the air, finishing 7-for-19 for 82 yards and an interception (he also ran for a touchdown).

That wasn't terribly surprising against an Iowa defense that is considerably more effective than Arkansas', but it served notice that this will be an enormous offseason for Jennings -- particularly with Harris, the No. 58 overall prospect on the ESPN 300 and No. 3 dual-threat quarterback, planning to enroll this month and participate in spring practice.

(11) Oklahoma 45

(11-2, 7-2 Big 12)

(3) Alabama 31

(11-2, 7-1 SEC)
Coverage: ESPN
8:30 PM ET, January 2, 2014

1234 T
#3ALA 1077731
Top Performers
Passing: T. Knight (OKLA) - 348 YDS, 4 TD, 1 INT
Rushing: D. Henry (ALA) - 8 CAR, 100 YDS, 1 TD
Receiving: D. White (ALA) - 3 REC, 139 YDS, 1 TD

Trevor Knight throws for 4 TDs as Sooners upend Bama in Sugar Bowl

Associated Press
Oklahoma Wins Sugar Bowl
SportsCenter Highlight of the Night: Oklahoma beat Alabama 45-31 to win the Sugar Bowl.Tags: College Football, Sugar Bowl, Oklahoma Sooners, Alabama Crimson Tide


Thomas Williams - top Commenter

Where was Nick Saban defensive powers when Alabama needed it the most. Bama pulled within a touchdown late into the Sugar Bowl game only to see the Boomer sooner hold onto the football for the next crucial 6 minutes.

And then alas it was the Oklahoma Sooners who made a good defense play by scoring on a Alabama QB McCarron's fumble, locking up the outcome. Out coached, out played, out hustled. All in all Alabama paid Nick Saban $7 million dollars to lose another important college football game.

It is ironic that it was Alabama, Georgia, that let the SEC victory mantle down in this 2013 Bowl season because all the other SEC team won. Shame, shame, shame, on Nick and Richt.
Coaching Wizard my ( you know what ).

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