Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Bullet for bullet or die.


The Islamic militant movement is very widely spread out in the Middle East now and too many people in our Washington DC establishment don't believe that. The Muslim peoples are the real circus in the Middle East and is moving towards a showdown with the United States blow for blow, bullet for bullet, bomb for bomb, and nuke for nuke. Somehow the leaders in Washington DC does not recognizing that the middle class people living in the Middle East are attracted to the Islamic militant terrorist kinship so as to really fight for what they believe in.
Barack Obama doesn't know how to act when he sees someone else who really believe in their own religious faith. Because Obama only believes in the Show.
What part of a sundial that keep tracking the sun light showing us what time it is doesn’t Barack Obama not understand? And what part of an Islamic militant terrorist cutting off the head of a Christian doesn't Barack Obama not understand?

I think that Barack Obama is failing in every way that a man can as President of the United States. And we the American people are just stuck with that fact.

Texas GOP officials cheer ruling on Obama immigration orders

The Associated Press
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) - The Texas attorney general is hailing a federal judge's decision to temporarily block President Barack Obama's executive action on immigration.

Attorney General Ken Paxton says U.S. District Judge Hanen's Monday ruling is a win for "the rule of law in America."

Hanen's decision gives a coalition of 26 states led by Texas time to pursue a lawsuit that aims to permanently stop the orders, which could spare up to five million people in the U.S. from deportation.

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