If you stop supporting Israel, and make a deal with Iran, you turn your back on me too.
If I see the Democratic Party turn their back on the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in favor of a nuclear deal with Iran they will be turning their back on me also. And I will do everything that I can to see the Democratic Party burns in hell for ever more.
No body living in America after the II World War can turn against the Jewish people by siding with the Islamic interest over Israel, and will be regarded as nothing but a lowdown turn coat dirty rat in my eyes.
I just couldn't ever tolerate my U.S. Government turning their
back on the Jewish people without getting my reprisal in return. Because I will
regard Barack Obama on the same low level as Jane Fonder, Marcus Brutus,
Benedict Arnold, Judas Iscariot, and as just another betrayal and traitor of my friends and
State militants burn 45 people to death in Iraq
'Ninety percent of al-Baghdadi district has fallen under the
control' of ISIS:
Islamic State militants have burnt 45 people to death in the western town of al-Baghdadi after they were accused of working with Iraqi security forces local police reported on Tuesday...
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