Thursday, February 19, 2015

Don't let them do that to you because they have already betrayed us.

VIDEO: Rudy Giuliani Just Issued This Epic Message About Obama

Wednesday, February 18th, 2015
Thomas Williams
That is the real way the American people are feeling as Obama Ivy League elitist friends keep helping Barack Obama to betray the Jewish and Middle Eastern people who were helping the United States. In favor for Iran. Obama is betraying us all for the like of Iran...I think that the Ivy League elitist are insane and are trying to take us down with them. Because the Ivy League elitist are guilty of turning their backs on their own countryman, and have nothing else to lose. Don't let them do that to you because they have already betrayed us.
Mary Bailey He needs to sit down and close his mouth. His time in office was not that great.


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