Thursday, February 19, 2015

What is bad for Bush is good for Obama, right NBC.


Why are the Ivy League hypocrites annoying the American people with this Barack Obama outreach to have a Muslim community to improve the Middle East social environment, to reform the Middle East into a better place? So of course the militants will not want to join the Islamic terrorist if their Middle East society shares the wealth of that part of the world more.

But of course George W. Bush speech about Iraq becoming a Democratic society was the wrong way to go when Bust change Iraq by tossing out the detector Saddam Hussein. No! Said the Ivy League elitist Bush is a madman cowboy leading the American people into a bad mess.

Wow! What is good for the goose is not good for the Ivy League elitist at all in the liberal Medias eyes, now is it Mr. and Mrs. America.

Community organizing?

Bush was trying to rebuild Iraq and left office with Iraq intact. Barack Obama pulled everyone out and left a power void that Iran walked into. And now Barack Obama want to give Iraq and the Middle East to Iran. And of course that is OK with the liberal American media.

We can’t let this liberal bull talk stand America how are we going to live with ourselves after doubling crossing all of our friends like what the liberals want to do?
------------   Morning Joe 2/19/15

Brzezinski: US can't be chief protagonist

Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski and the Woodrow Wilson International Center's Robin Wright join Morning Joe to discuss how the U.S. should respond to the growing threat of ISIS.
Duration: 14:51

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