"Right on. So right on."
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"Do you think the guy in Copenhagen this last weekend... was he screaming, ‘Jobs, jobs, jobs?’ No, he was screaming, ‘Allahu Akbar.’”
Lt. Col. Ralph Peters slammed State Department Deputy Spokesperson Marie Harf for her comments on ISIS and jobs. MORE: httpa//bit.ly/1AQaCVX:::http:/
Thomas Williams: Of course! We've been free from Hitler's Nazi political party because we carpeted bombed the German cities and factories unto damnation. Killing men, women, and children, until the German people could not fight anymore. What part of real life doesn't these White House staff wise guys not understand, the breathing part?
Don't you keep getting insulted by President Barack Obama talking to us like children? Who has he been talking too and where did he get into that habit?
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