Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Real against the unreal.


The militants rebelling around the world are racist and they like it so now what part of that don't you understand Mr. Liberal Ivy League President wise guy, who keeps living to be on a TV Network stations. Your Show time hypocrisy and 15 minutes of fame anyway you can get it is not working anymore on the people now looking for more substance out of their daily personal lives. And no one that is going about their business these days want to be like you anymore Mr. President. Your Ivy League wise guy friends are ugly characters to the levelheaded people now. So now what are you going to do with the rest of your time? Talk to the world population just like before for only the Show sake.

President Barack Obama is acting just like he believe in his own propaganda and everyone knows that he doesn't. And somehow Obama expect the rest of the world to react in a positive way. Wow! When something that was once popular doesn't pass the test of time like the President Bull talk has not. The liberal Progressive Ivy League professors movement of 1970 truly does look like a bunch of fools now in 2015.
Hay! Mr. Ivy League President of the United States. You are not cool anymore because you keep lying, you jerk.

US Officials Admit Concern Over Syrian Refugee Effort

Feb 12, 2015, 5:28 PM ET

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