Sunday, April 12, 2015

This is a total disagreement between Israel and Iran, and not an argument at all.


Iran want a Nuclear Bomb and to keep harboring terrorist around their country. When Barack Obama pulled the American military out of Iraq Iran has been working with Iraq, Syria, North Korea, China, and Russia, to use direct influence around the Middle East.

Now Iran is the terrorist force influencing the population in Iraq, Syria, Liberia, Yemen, and is pushing the Iranian influence on Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Jordan. So now Barack Obama keeps telling the American people that he now has a good chance to make an agreement with Iran about not getting a nuclear bombs.
This is a total disagreement between Iran who still wants a nuclear Bomb, and Israel/America, who doesn't want them too, what argument? So why give Iran anything as long as Iran keep harboring terrorist around the Middle East neighborhoods. Barack Obama sounds like a fool changing his arguments to be like the other team. How can he think that given the other team what they want in the face of a total disagreement buys us a good deal with our enemies?
Barack Obama is simply double crossing his countryman and all of our friends who feel like us. We don't want Iran to have nuclear Bombs because they will use them as blackmail, and to kill their enemies like Israel and us. Barack Obama is delusional.

Obama Rebukes Congress Over Iran Deal Partisanship

Posted: 04/11/2015 7:06 pm EDT


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