Saturday, June 18, 2016

Donald Trump is not one of them thank God.

Thomas Williams

House speaker Paul Ryan is working for the DC Country Club and simply getting in the way of what the American people really want. So I am calling Wisconsin to get Paul Ryan out of the House of Representatives now.

June 17, 2016, 04:51 pm

Poll: Clinton’s lead over Trump slipping since Orlando

By Mark Hensch

Getty Images
Hillary Clinton’s lead over Donald Trump with voters nationwide is eroding after Sunday’s mass shooting, according to a new poll.

Clinton’s edge over Trump has dropped 3.6 points since the massacre in Orlando, according to the Reuters survey out Friday.

Friday’s results found that 10.7 points separate Clinton, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, from Trump, her GOP counterpart.
Reuters said Clinton boasted a 14.3-point gap last Sunday, the day of the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history.

Pollsters found 45.5 percent of voters now support Clinton, while 34.8 percent back Trump and 19.7 percent pick neither.

Clinton last Sunday registered 46.6 percent before the bloodshed at Pulse nightclub, versus Trump’s 32.3 percent.

Reuters also reported rising enthusiasm for Trump’s temporary ban on Muslim emigration into the U.S. since June started.

Forty-five percent back that measure after last weekend’s attack, versus 41.9 percent who supported it at the start of the month.

Reuters added that 70 percent of Americans now crave at least moderate gun control regulations, up from 60 percent in similar surveys between 2013 and 2014.

Reuters conducted its latest sampling of 1,133 likely voters via online interviews from June 13-17. It has a 3.4-percentage-point margin of error.

Clinton leads Trump by nearly 6 points nationwide, according to the latest RealClearPolitics average of polls.

Forty-nine people were killed and 53 others were wounded when a gunman opened fire last Sunday at a gay nightspot.

Shooter Omar Mateen, 29, reportedly praised the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria during the rampage. He was killed amid a battle with responding police.

Last weekend’s carnage has provided new steam for Trump’s vow to temporarily halt Muslims from reaching U.S. soil.

Clinton, in contrast, has argued American cannot discriminate against a single faith and has called for stricter gun control instead.

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