Friday, June 17, 2016

The real view of fools hurting everyone else.

Thomas Williams

Paul Ryan and the NYT and all its minions are insane because we are deteriorating as a country. Under the guise of human morality these people are shackling our minds with.
So with a crazy attitude like that that is holding back the American people from self defense and attacking the enemies wherever we encounter them. We must vote against people like Paul Ryan because you have to do what is required to stop it.

The president was attempting to shame DT with the power/prestige of the Presidency.

The problem of course is that he refuses to accept that this group is now killing Americans here on its own land.

This was never happening before. Now it is in our country and people are dying in shootings and bombs: Scenes that were formerly limited to other areas of the world are now our reality.

And he's letting in because he is transforming the US into his social laboratory? How many people will have to die for this to occur?

Paul Ryan On Stopping A President Trump's Muslim Ban: We'll Sue Him!

ByTierney SneedPublishedJune 17, 2016, 10:02 AM EDT 102571 views
House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) has made clear he doesn't agree with a proposal put forward by Donald Trump -- whom Ryan has endorsed -- to ban Muslim immigration into the United States, but in an interview with the Huffington Post Thursday, Ryan floated taking a President Trump to court if he tried to implement such a ban or some of his other controversial proposals unilaterally.

“I would sue any president that exceeds his or her powers,” Ryan said in a back-and-forth about Trump's claims that he could implement a Muslim ban or build a Mexican border wall without congressional approval.

Ryan said he wasn't sure of the "legal question" of whether Trump could institute a Muslim ban on his own as president.

“That’s a legal question that there’s a good debate about,” he said, citing the 1952 Immigration and Nationality Act.

"On the broader question, are we going to exert our Article I powers and reclaim this Article I power no matter who the president is? Absolutely," Ryan said. He also said he discussed the limits of the executive power with Trump.

In the interview, Ryan said his endorsement of real estate mogul did not give Trump “a blank check,” and that he was still trying to achieve "real unity" between the presumptive nominee and his caucus.
"I am going to keep being who I am, I am going to keep speaking out on things where I think it's needed, where our principles need to be defended, and I am going to keep doing that, I hope it's not necessary," Ryan said. "But the last thing I want to see is a another Democrat in the White House"


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