Friday, June 17, 2016

Why don't we bring the fight to them instead.

Close the Borders and stop inviting your Muslim brotherhood in

"The motives of this killer may have been different than the mass shooters in Aurora or Newtown. But the instruments of death were so similar. Now another forty-nine innocent people are dead."
Moments ago, President Obama spoke in Orlando, Florida, in the wake of the deadly terror attack.


Thomas Williams
Thomas Williams: Charles Krauthammer is right why don't we bring the fight to them instead of living on our knees in our pajamas here in America? Someone is going to have to go fight the Islamic terrorist where they live but instead we are becoming the best country in the world holding vigils...And how many vigils is it going to take before this country says enough?

We have the firepower to just go whip them out but are now guarded over who we attack making all of this nothing but a BS TV Show. And now I also know that this country's media is following Barack Obama lead for no good reason at all. And are letting these Islamic terrorist get away with all of that revolting carnage, so I don’t know what to think about these TV talking heads saying otherwise to us on television.

Why be so confuses over who the enemies is when we know that they are "The Islamic Muslims jihadist" and should go kill them.

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