Friday, June 17, 2016

You do not need a Greek oracle to tell you that these Washington DC establishment members are addicted to power.

Thomas Williams

You do not need a Greek oracle to tell you that these Washington DC establishment members are addicted to power. And that these DC Clan members are calling Donald Trump a misogynist, narcissus, and Hitler like clone, because that is all that they have left to disparage Trump with.

And they are saying all of these crazy things about Donald Trump even as they know what they are saying is untrue. But that is how these addicted Washington DC Clan members have been dividing the American people, so the DC Clan could keep winning elections year after year.

That is the only political card that they have left to play on Donald Trump and the media was a part of this social slander TV Show all along. The media was getting protected by the DC establishment, and vice versa.

And now we know who they are by name but now they are not protected from the American people knowing who they are. So if Donald Trump does nothing else he has exposed the American people into how it all really works, and that the way it works is very dirty.

And it has absolutely no parallel to the way that the American people though it worked. And Donald Trump has exposed these wise guys running Washington DC to us, giving us this valuable insite.



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