Friday, December 1, 2017

There is no easy way to summarize the info presented in this thread. The real story is Uranium One and this guys wishful thinking.

 Tiger droppings  Political Talk
In a sea of cognitive dissonance
Member since Mar 2013
2939 posts

*** Living document that updates Q posts for those wanting a “summary”
There is no easy way to summarize the info presented in this thread...
What will happen on Monday? What you didn't know. SSA37 (ID: fAbSCQGT) 10/28/17(Sat)16:27:36 No.147017701 Archived?>>147018895 >>147019364 >>147019610 >>147020412
Look, I feel bad for /pol/. You guys have been thrown off so much by intentionally misleading breadcrumbs that no one has any idea what’s been happening for the past 10 months. So I’m gonna throw you guys a bone. Forget the dossier. The real story is Uranium One.
1. We’ve known that Holder was covering up Russian bribes for Uranium One for a long time now. Hell, even Clinton Cash tells everyone about the bribes that were taking place. The reason Mueller left the FBI was that he was fed up with the corruption of Holder/Clinton/Obama. Holder kept telling Mueller to kill investigations and bury the evidence. I don’t know what you think about Mueller, but I can tell you, he’s an honorable man. The corruption of Holder/Obama/Clinton was eating him up alive. He resigned in 2013 when he just couldn’t keep doing this. Then they got Comey who was coerced into continuing the coverup.
2. Manafort, Comey, Rosenstein, Podesta, Clintons, Holders, and Lynch are all on one team. We affectionately call them “The Clinton Cabal”. To take this cabal down, we needed someone who was close to career FBI agents because they were holding all the evidence. When the DNC and Clinton campaign spun the Trump/Russian collusion conspiracy back in Dec., we couldn’t believe it. They gave us the perfect way to expose them. We would use the Russian investigation to expose the bribery/extortion racket that took place back in 2009 and continued through 2015.
3. We got Mueller to sign on to investigate the connection. We needed him because he had been at the FBI for almost as long as Hoover and knew all the agents that were sitting on the Russian/Clinton connection. More importantly, he hates Holder/Obama/Clinton. The plan was, to get the special investigative council headed by Mueller and have the FBI agents handover all the evidence. Unfortunately, we didn’t count on Comey being such an obstacle. In the short time, he was the Director of the FBI, he had made many allies who were proving to be loyal to him. He had to go. We knew it would be messy, but we had Pres Trump fire him. It caused a lot of headache for us, but in the end, it was worth it. Mueller’s been gathering evidence from his former agents for months now. Along with the raid to Manafort and Podesta, we now have enough evidence to connect all the dots. Mueller also convinced the FBI informant to speak up. Getting the gag order removed was trivial.
4. We gave The Hill a heads up. We knew the switch in the narrative from Trump/Russia to Clinton/Russia would take a little time. We had them drop the Uranium One article exactly one week before we would make the first arrests. A couple of days later, we dropped the dossier info. We needed to hammer the train The first arrests will be Manafort and Tony Podesta. These guys are not the real target, they are just soldiers. The real targets are Hillary, Holder, Rosenstein, and John Podesta. We would love to expose Obama as well but Pres Trump is adamant about protecting former Presidents. Even if they are corrupt pieces of shit, he believes in the dignity of the office. He feels that ruining the legacy of a President will do nothing but hurt our country. This is why both Bush’s., Bill Clinton, Obama, and even LBJ will be spared. The rest of the JFK files released will not include the essential information implicating LBJ and Bush Sr.
5. This is it. The final moves will take place over the next 4 weeks. They could have let this go. Honestly, Pres Trump wanted to get on with Making America Great Again. Period. But Hillary and the DNC just couldn’t let it go. They asked for this. They kept making up sh** and now they’re going to pay. If they kept their heads low and faded into obscurity, we would not have gone this route. They have no one to blame but themselves.
I may not detumesce until next week...

Strap in Patriots
This post was edited on 11/26 at 8:17 am
 P.S. Meaning of detumesce medical term, to leave the erect sexually aroused state. (intransitive, of a person) 
Thomas Williams, this is the kind of talk that goes on in the political games that our country's University's student is playing with these days. Everything is entertainment to them, I kid you not.

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