Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Something nice to remember

North Louisiana
It was high noon on a hot Summer day and I was helping my cousin who owned a cotton Plantation, North Louisiana. 

I was starving and bothered, taking a lunch break. So I was directed to sit under a shady tree as my grandmother brought me a pot of cabbage. 

My grandmother swore to everyone that I was the best thing this side of Heaven. Now after all these years remembering back about that time I can tell you that was one of the best meals that I've ever eaten in my life. I became very satisfied healthy and strong again who didn't want to go anyplace else. Except to keep talking with her "Bellemare" under that Shady Tree eating cabbage back then when she was a much older wonderful woman and I was a very lucky young man back in 1955.
Working hard out in the fields visiting North Louisiana my grandmother brought me a great meal sitting under a tree.

The London Symphony Orchestra - The Power of Love

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