Tuesday, February 12, 2019

The Washington DC establishment members on both sides of the political aisle were putting on a political TV Show for appearance sake only and simply playing you and me for fools.

Thomas Williams - How do you like Mitch McConnell and the Republican Party telling Donald Trump to take that border deal?

Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan and Republican establishment members put their snobby nose up in the air at the Wall. Refusing to help Donald Trump build it when they could have. Now they're putting on a damn lame TV show for appearance sake only again like they really are trying to help build the Wall. That we all now know that the Republicans are full of bull talk and also know the person really fighting for us is the man that we elected, Donald Trump. Frankly, I wouldn't have voted Republican outside of Donald Trump with somebody else's body.

So I don't want the Republican party cult fighting for me at all cuz their impotent and a bunch of wimps when push comes to shove.

Yes, indeed there Republican party members in the Senate had their hair on fire running around trying to get that Wall built for the security of the American people, weren't they?

Sarcasm helps me sometimes.

I'm a third party man for real now and I don't even want to think about Tweedledum and Tweedledee meaning the Democrats and Republicans anymore.

Don't sign that Border Bill, Mr. President cuz they are playing you for a fool, don't do it. Shut it down.

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