Tuesday, October 1, 2019

I've lost all respect for the TV networks and newspaper reporters so I'm looking elsewhere for my entertainment. 🤔 the media is pretty bad off don't you think?

Thomas Williams - Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff must resign their Post in this Government over betraying our country's honor for the hit squad.
President Trump is just doing his job for the American people's benefit trying to help and not hurt. All the lies in the mainstream media trying to subvert the American people's vote in 2016 will not stand, and Justice will prevail so help us, God. Because we will March on Washington if need be, all 63 million of us. What will you do than Mr. & Mrs. swamp creatures, make my day?
I'm watching "How America was before Columbus" instead of watching the Thrill Seekers get Trump before he gets them.
I've lost all respect for the TV networks and newspaper reporters so I'm looking elsewhere for my entertainment. ðŸ¤” the media is pretty bad off don't you think?
President Trump pushed the Australian prime minister during a recent telephone call to help Attorney General William P. Barr gather information for a Justice Department inquiry that Mr. Trump hopes will discredit the Mueller investigation, according to two American officials with knowledge of the ca...


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