Tuesday, October 1, 2019

The longer the Democratic party socialist Presidental candidates talk to the American people the higher President Trump poll number gain points.

  • Thomas Williams - The longer the Democratic party socialist Presidental candidates talk to the American people the higher President Trump poll number gain points as the Democrats politics keeps helping Trump while they also keep killing the Democratic Party influence in this country's mainstream movement towards the open Ocean of fresh ideas and hope.
  • Alice Schneider And they will figure out a way so they are not included in this tax! So duplicitous...
  • Robert Rasp - Does anyone here understand that taxing corporations is nothing more than increasing the cost of the product or service to the consumer? There should be no corporate tax so that ALL businesses pay ZERO tax so that we have an even playing field here and have a competitive edge in the world economy. We should move to a consumption tax so that the millions who work "under the table" don't "pay their fair share". Just a quick question for all those wanting tax hikes.... What is "their fair share" and who decides it???

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