Friday, October 4, 2019

President Trump is not like them and they hate him for it.

Thomas Williams - We the people with the help of President Trump have finally exposed the corrupted people working in this country's three Branches of Government clearly showing the world population the real way of how the Washington DC establishment Deep State members were running the U.S. Government for decades. That the lapdog liberal American Media members keep covering up for them all down through those same years of government corruption and media members' shameful behavior.

We already knew even if the failsafe Wall of the Deep State big money dealers TV Show kept us away from the true levers of power so real change for the better-doing things right was out of the question.

But we the people knew anyway about the true identity of these elected cult members screwing over the honest American citizens every day becoming a part of the elitist clue that you and I were not welcome in. These past three years in Washington DC was not supposed to happen that an everyday common-sense businessman Donald Trump became elected by the American people in spite of all the Mainstream media and two political parties system forces throwing everything they had him only to still became the 45th President of the United States, who was not like them rattling them to the core.
Drudge Report


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