Saturday, October 5, 2019

President Trump said, " we are going to continue the miracle"

Thomas Williams - That inspired me and others to be encouraged in spite of our frustrating fight against the abusive Government and media authorities trying to censor the American people out if their God-given freedoms for life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.

They began setting up the Deep States big money dealers failsafe system of political manipulation to keep controlling you and me so to pillage our country's Government Treasury from inside of this country Three Branches Of Government, Academia, Hollywood, and media.

So it is going to take a miracle for the American people to pull together in the same direction defeating that Failsafe den of government and media corruption for as long as we can remember so help us, God.
Drudge Report


WASHINGTON (AP) — For the first time, the impeachment inquiry reached directly into the White House on Friday as Democrats subpoenaed officials about contacts with Ukraine and President Donald...


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