Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Is there any justice in the World with so many people pulling against each other?

Rush Limbaugh says the drive-by media can dish it out but can't take it calling Trump a traitor Trump says
  • Rush Limbaugh
  • -----
    Thomas Williams - Yes Sir, Mr. Rush. something like this. Alex Wallace Thomas Williams, in this instance you're focusing on an intangible "bigger picture" because you don't have the faculties to adequately analyze what's actually going on in front of you.
    Ken Goode ...Is he just spamming his own bullshit over and over?
    Alex Wallace Ken Goode, yes. I think he's like the other fella...
    Thomas Williams Alex Wallace - We were sold out to China, and these liberal-minded guys running the important job around America are trying to slide by that double cross with the help of each other participation in the hustle of stealing your tax money, and daily news. Their political power structure is a fail-safe system of the shadow government going on in Washington DC that has been working by calling me a conspirator racist keeping everyone divided, and how this COVID-19 virus sickness should have been contained by quarantining the sick, leaving the healthy American people along. The shutdown is a convenient tool to hurt the American economy and making us dependent on them once again. Hoping the American people turn away from President Trump's political wave that elected him in 2016, si entiendo.
Thomas Williams - Alex Wallace - I don't agree you are wrong.๐Ÿ™‚ I could agree with you, but then we would both be wrong...These Ivy League experts trying to controlling the world population by the threat of your human health catching a germ that may kill you are prosperous. Wearing a mask and keeping space between people at the expense of your skill and labor making a living building a home, job, or work of art, in your real-time life is crazy. How crazy it looks seeing a jocker in central pard wearing a face mask.

Please, what you say that we live in our real-time life making a living around each other by taking our chances with our commons sense, keeping safe to survive the world no matter how harsh.


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