Saturday, November 22, 2014

# 9. “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

Why is this commandment from God so hard for some people to understand and otherwise feel good about? And to not use other people for their own self-serving reasons.
To want and treat their neighbors with dignity and grace and to give to them the room for more privacy helping to build a more conformable social relationship. To help, instead of hurt, and to be willing to forgive instead of condom. To trust in the spirit of Gods divine loving attitude.
Why is that so difficult for so many people now living alongside us at this time and place in our United States of America?

Ferguson: A city on edge and waiting

By Moni Basu, Evan Perez and Susanna Capelouto, CNN
updated 1:21 PM EST, Sat November 22, 2014

Ferguson, Missouri (CNN) -- Anticipating a grand jury decision at any moment, more businesses boarded up their doors and windows and residents hunkered down in their homes on two of Ferguson's main roads.

It's a city in waiting.

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