Friday, November 21, 2014

He is worse than dirt.


Or country has some very level headed people who use their common sense very well helping to make our daily lives around each other rather pleasant at times. But sometimes people who are trying to act and use other people for their own self-serving purposes, feel just like this lower than dirt guy President Barack Obama, who keeps doing far more harm to our countryman than sometime we can tolerate.
This is one of those time as President Barack Obama is using his power as the President of the United States to bring a lot of harm to the countryman you and I try to treat with dignity and grace instead.
I will work from now on to make sure that the people I vote for are the levelheaded nice guys that I like the most, and to hell with guys like President Barack Obama who is of course worse than dirt.


The Justice Department becomes a schoolyard bully
By George Will

Published Nov. 20, 2014

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