Friday, November 21, 2014

Making other people boss don't work sometimes

Wasting our time on an Ivy League fool is not what the American people were voting for when they elected Barack Obama President of the United States. Now regrets rain down on everyone feeling of hope and change for the better because he is simply not up to his job. No! We are getting the direct effects from a Narcissist self-serving fool who fancy himself a oracle of wisdom instead, that all the other people can follow. Trying to make a lasting impression on our culture for centenary to come and some kind of social nut to me.
That some of the Ivy League alumni keep trying to give the impression that they are always one step ahead of everyone else bull talk. As somehow the American people gave to the Northeastern Universities of higher learning who is calling themselves the Ivy League a special breed social status out of all the rest of our population, as the brightest among us. Just saying Harvard, Yale, etc., tells it all, because you know what I mean.
Now we know that guys like Barack Obama are simply full of bull and only puppets on a string of the same old cocktail club who keep walking down the same old rip off political power struggle that the Washington DC establishment have been doing to the American people for as long as I can remember.
Barack Obama just happens to be one of the more incompetent people then the others.

Obama plays Boss of America on immigration

On immigration, Obama is acting like the Mayor of America, or, lest there be confusion, the Boss of America.

What about the Constitution? Obama's changed his tune on immigration, John Kass writes.

President Barack Obama's critics have never understood the guy from Chicago.

And now it's probably too late, given that he's promising to change federal immigration policy by bending the Constitution to his most divine will.

Some critics call Obama a monarch. Others say he acts more like an emperor. Still others prefer the old-fashioned term king.

As President Barack Obama prepares to lay out what he can do within his "lawful authority" to improve the immigration system, Congressional Republican leaders brace for a showdown. (Nov. 20)
All these are royal positions and involve flowing purple robes and bejeweled crowns of the sort worn by that creepy Burger King in TV commercials. But for years Obama has gone out of his way to inform supporters and critics alike that under our system of divided government — a system developed by our founders to protect the liberty of all Americans — the president can't very well use his executive powers to make up laws just because he feels like it.


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