Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Hail to the chief.


The Republicans have won the majority party in the House and Senate of the United States and yet the TV networks like MSNBC, CNN, keep putting on Democratic personality to talk about the current news going on every day. The cherry picking over who is on camera make me obvious start to wonder why we the people even bother looking at all. The liberal media just keep being liberal no matter what.
President Barack Obama gives out a directive at the White House to not call the terrorist Islam terrorism, when in real time everyone else around the world is. The stumbling over the words that they are saying seem more like people playing a not so serious political board game tying to apply their foolish White House propaganda tricks into our real life. And of course we look at each other wondering what in the world is President Barack Obama doing?
President Barack Obama is an Ivy League puppet on a string with no substance of his own, a man fancying himself an actor reading a Teleprompter in a slick manner. Delivering wise sound bits, and words of social wisdom, for us the underclass to live by. A vain person who simply is not very serious at all because he has his now, and feels very safe and protected. You and I are on our own.
Carville: 'Ted Cruz Is the Most Talented and Fearless Republican Politician I’ve Seen in 30 Years'
By Noel Sheppard | May 5, 2013 | 12:39 PM EDT

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